Become a Breaker Facilitator

Breaker is an education program that combines design thinking, entrepreneurship, and project based learning. Construct manages Breaker operations in Oregon. 

Our  2 week annual summer design challenge for high schools students in the Portland metro area (click to view video of past design challenge) serves as a training institute for new facilitators. 

Are you interested in becoming a Breaker facilitator? Each year we train new facilitators (master level educators) to build and facilitate Breaker design challenges. Join us! Our next summer session in Portland is July 31-August 7.

Register below to find out how you can join our summer training session and help lead the movement to spread a culture of innovation across Oregon schools.

We are looking for teacher leaders from across Oregon to bring the training back to students in their region. Once you have trained and are certified as a Breaker facilitator you will be supported by Construct Breaker Oregon network, receive ongoing training from our senior coaches, and receive a contracted rate for facilitating design challenges in your area.

Register for our summer training session