We Stand With Black Lives Matter

As voices of protest against racial injustice ring across the nation and the world, Construct stands with Black Lives Matter and supports the demand to finally and decisively dismantle the structural racism that persists in oppressing and stealing black lives.  

Construct recognizes that our mission, to radically transform the current education system--built through a racist lens more than a century ago--to a new structure that is student-centered and that elevates the voices of students and educators of color, is insufficient. We must act with anti-racist intention, humility, grief, anger, and furious intention to do more.

Education today is rife with inequity and is often not a safe, nurturing, or validating space for black children and other children of color. This is an unacceptable reality that is long overdue for change. Students of color often feel that their inequitable experiences in school are not validated by those in charge.  Oftentimes, when trying to bring attention to these negative experiences, students feel dismissed or disbelieved.  This is unacceptable and we will work to place this reality in front of the school leaders we engage with and demand change. 

Our Commitment as an Organization

While the most visible that Construct does in service of dismantling white supremacy is through our work to shift our education system towards a different model, to upend the structural racism and transform the classroom experience to one where equity is centered, Construct is also committed to:

1) establishing an equity team to support more aggressive measures for ensuring access to quality education for black and brown students

2) examining and changing our practices, specifically abolishing inequity in our operations and in our hiring practices 

3) ensuring more frequency and humility in more direct collaboration with POC communities in decision-making including in our project priorities and funding decisions