Program Framework: Breaker Services for Schools, Districts, or Regions
The Teaser: Intro to Design Thinking and Design Challenges for Deeper Learning.
We come to your school and demonstrate features of the program to your faculty. (60-90 minutes)
- Vision for our work together | partners | aspirations
- Provide a working definition of a “design challenge” and why they are so useful in the classroom and across school campus
- Share examples of school based design challenges
- Highlight the research being done around deeper learning competencies and success
Rapid Design Cycle, Example: Design the Perfect Wallet for Your Partner
- Brainstorm with teams of teachers where to run the first design challenge at your school.
- Begin to identify champions on campus, who will co-create and co-facilitate a design challenge.
- This is a prelude to the two day workshop in which we will develop action plan for the first design challenges.
- Invite teachers to join upcoming two day workshop. Begin sign up sheet.
Schedule The Two Day Workshop “Breakaway”
Block two days for a teacher training workshop.
Invite teachers to formally register.
Facilitate The Two Day Workshop “Breakaway”
+click here for program outline
Build and Facilitate One Custom Design Challenge with Teachers for Students. A Design Challenge corresponds to a “unit” in School Either Core Content or Elective.
- Breaker coach coordinates with a teacher(s) to build a custom design challenge for selected content or subject area.
- Estimated time: 12 hours of co-facilitating with students. Another 12-15 hours of curriculum design and coaching.
- Each challenge ends when student "pitch" their solutions to an audience. We recommend that you make this a public event. Your team will be amazed at the impactful solutions built by students.
On-Line Coaching Support
Breaker coaches continue to support teachers as they practice new mindsets and build their own challenges. Online tools are provided to support teachers as they learn how to select design challenge topics, how to build a challenge, and tips for facilitating. We provide an easy to use online community forum for teachers to support each other. Online forum is moderated by Breaker coach for quick response to curriculum building and facilitation techniques. 1:1 video conferencing support provided.
FALL TERM (year 2)
Breaker Coach is Back on Campus Supporting Overall Capacity for Creativity and Innovation.
- Run two day workshop again some teachers repeat and some join for first time
- Identify and support opportunities for cross disciplinary design challenges
- Deepen teacher facilitation skills
- Link design challenges to local industry assets
- Prepare “innovation coach” employee of the school