Program Fees: Breaker Services for Schools, Districts, or Regions
Fall Term
Two Day Professional Development Workshop 15-25 educators (3-5/school).
$ 400/teacher (price includes lunch each day and 12 PDU's)
One customized design challenges includes 12 hours of in-class facilitation per challenge plus 15 hours prep and custom curriculum build.
$ 3,800 (Click to see example of 12 hour classroom design challenge)
Approximately 15 weeks coaching services available via on-line forum and video conference.
On-line coaching package includes:
- On demand curriculum building support using online forum
- Video coach session for general support
- Tutorials on specific design challenge elements
- Resources for download
$1200 ($300/month unlimited access to online coaching service)
FALL TERM (year 2)
TBD - customizable based on where team is after year 1
Two day PD training. New teachers welcome and focus on big ideas for the school year. We support your team to build an action plan (15-20 teachers).
One custom design challenge co-facilitation and curriculum build same as year one.
Main objective:
- Work with teachers on deepening “facilitation skills” as they continue to develop and run design challenges
- Identify and support opportunities for cross disciplinary challenges and link Breaker method to larger school initiatives
- Train Innovation Coach who is employee of school to continue the work who receive regular updates and training opportunities from Breaker coaches in Portland
On going support includes access to a la carte items:
- 2-day workshop
- Online coaching services and access to online resources
- On-ground coaching service