In The Future of Stuff, students examine making, manufacturing, consumerism, and the life cycle of goods.
How Might We: disrupt the limited life cycle of the things people buy?
How Might We: change mindsets & habits to create sustainable consumerism AND a sustainable manufacturing process?
The Future of Stuff runs June 18-28 on the campus of Pacific Northwest College of Art.
Mark your calendar: Pitch Day Celebration 2:00 June 28
Meet Our Student Breakers
Design challenges are donor supported. Students or “Breakers”--high school participants, aged 14-17- attend this two week, 50 hour design challenge free of charge (including food and transportation.) Our partnership with College Possible helps us recruit bright young minds from east county high schools.
View the 10 Day Journey
In every Breaker challenge students learn to apply a ‘design thinking’ methodology as they uncover opportunities for innovation. They learn fundamentals of entrepreneurship and are tasked with creating triple bottom line products and services. Good for the people, good for the planet, good for the business- students emerge from Breaker with new confidence in their ability to uncover opportunities and add value in the world!
Meet our Industry Partners
Breaker design challenges catalyze a rich eco-learning system, dismantling barriers between industry and education and building social capital for underrepresented students.
Meet Our Facilitators
Facilitators are MA level educators who become experts in the Breaker design challenge method able to bring their training into schools across Oregon.