Coaching and Design Practice
We offer coaching support as you reimagine and redesign deeper learning experiences for your students
Teachers are Designers
Five Steps of Design
Once introduced to the tools of design, we help you practice them so you develop fluency with the 5-step method: EMPATHIZE, DEFINE, IDEATE, PROTOTYPE, TEST.
Design Mindsets
In Breakaway and School Retool we teach simple, powerful ways of thinking that support culture shift and innovation. Coaching sessions allow you to re-visit and practice helpful frames for seeing your classroom opportunities.
Build Student Design Challenges
To inspire the next generation of leaders we must give young people the opportunity to solve real problems. Student Design Challenges add relevance, resilience, and creativity to the learning experience.
Coaching Sessions include:
Time to develop your own design skills
Techniques to build and facilitate student led experiences
Building A Culture Of Innovation At David Douglas High School Freshman Academy
With Measure 98 funding, David Douglas High School teachers are reimagining the “Freshman Academy” by co-creating cross-disciplinary design challenges. Our Construct coaches worked with their team throughout the 2018/19 school year.
Design Challenges For Rising 9th Graders In The Gresham Barlow School District
The Center for Advanced Learning (CAL) inspires curious, confident and creative 9th graders as they head to high school. Teachers from CAL and Gresham Barlow High School team up to produce and facilitate a 2-week design challenge for rising 9th graders. The team began with our Breakaway: Intro to Design Thinking workshop and utilized our design challenge coaching services.
““The impact of Construct’s Design Thinking workshop was immediate for my teachers. More than 25% of my staff immediately collaborated across content areas to create a fantastic experience for students. Construct’s expert staff was instrumental in supporting them to develop and implement their coordinated units of study. Students continue to be absolutely hungry to do something important and valuable that goes beyond theoretical textbook experiences. A year later? We engaged our CF experts again to help us develop a week-long, career design challenge camp for middle school students as they transition to high school.
This has been the best value for our professional development dollars, hands down!”